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 Welcome to Daybreak Corp!

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Posts : 84
Join date : 2010-09-05
Location : Dark Hour..

Welcome to Daybreak Corp! Empty
PostSubject: Welcome to Daybreak Corp!   Welcome to Daybreak Corp! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 06, 2010 8:39 am

Daybreak's General Information:

Founded: March 2010
Corps Name: Daybreak
Corps Captain: Lhaikz
Corps VCPs: Kuromu, Vorg18, Pantie, Reusu.

Requirements To Join:

Class of Character: All class are welcome.
Level: Level 18 or higher
Availability: At least every day if at all possible.
Misc: Leave the attitudes and have an open sense of humor, we have fun here!


* All players have a simple rules and that is to respect each other and enjoy the game.

What's The Corps Like?

* Friendly, mature atmosphere that doesn't have strict rules to follow.

* We want to try to promote a community feel for the corp. Most of us agree that the type of corp we would like out of Daybreak is one that feels like a family, and a community. A corp that works together, and is united. Granted we may not always be united in our individual ideals, but we can be united in common goals and motives for the corp.

* Active Corps Captain and members who are always willing to help out.

How to Join Daybreak:

There are several ways to join Daybreak.

A.) Contact the Corps Captain or Corps VCPs using the PM system in game.

Just remember, there are no class, character or major requirements to join this great corp.

The only thing we ask is that you be respectful, polite, helpful and friendly to other Daybreak members naturally ... but not only ! We would see our members do the same for any player regardless of his/her corp and kingdom.

We look forward to seeing you soon...

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